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This is my first entry, how exciting. I don't have a lot to say here, to be honest. I also don't know why I made this entire thing, but here it is. It's currently 6:10 am. I haven't slept in a day or so. I would say that I hope this site is easy to navigate but I really don't care. It's just for me to have. I wanted a little corner of the web to call home and put things on. I missed the MySpace boat, and now all social media profiles are so bland. You can put a profile picture and a bio, that's about it. I want people to have custom music playing and clip art shoved in their face. If I knew anything about web design, this website would look much cooler. I really don't have the energy to learn more about it right now. I'm starting to limit myself on what I decide to learn, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I want to stick to studying film for now. I'm currently living with my mom in Connecticut. Hopefully soon we can get the money to move out to LA. I'm going to apply to film school there and with luck I'll get in.

I've been trying to make videos, but it's quite difficult to do anything worthwhile. I used to make videos using the Rockstar Editor in GTA5. I might talk about that more later but they're just no good. All I can make the videos about is people driving around in cars or shooting guns. I've considered dialogue but I've seen other GTA machinimas with dialogue and let's just say it's not what I want. It's uncanny how their mouths just open and close with the dubbing. The faces in general in that game are kind of gross looking nowadays. It's like hyper-real for 2013 and it doesn't quite pass anymore. That's probably why most of my videos have the character's face covered by something. Anyway, right now, it's either that, or making an animation. It's all I can do as I have no friends willing to be actors, and I live in rural Connecticut. Unless I want to make a short film about a bunch of clones or a documentary on oak trees I'm kind of out of luck. I've thought about the twin thing but I can barely stand seeing myself in a photo. I cannot possibly imagine staring at my face for hours on end editing two or more of me together. I can't go anywhere interesting either as I can't drive, so I'm mostly stuck at home.

Pretty exciting life I've got right now. I botched my senior year of high school due to personal reasons so I transferred to an online school. I pray that any college I apply to accepts my diploma. I was supposed to graduate in 2022, it's now July of 2023 and I still haven't. My senior year was actually going okay until it went to shit. I had some fun classes, mostly being creative writing. I tried to join the yearbook club, but they had us pull from past years' yearbooks for ideas instead of coming up with new ideas and I was politely asked to leave over creative differences. Creative writing was fun though. I feel bad for my teacher, he seemed to not know what to do with me. I always got low A's on my writing when I actually completed an assignment, and I asked him for some feedback instead of just a grade so I could improve and he looked at me like I had three heads. I have a lot of respect for him though, he seemed very intelligent. He used to give us assignments that were a picture that we would draw from to write a story. One example was a house with a deer hanging from a tree by its neck. He would put questions underneath about the picture like, "Why is the deer hanging?" and "Who could have done this?" Me and my friend joked about a picture of soiled pants with questions like that. Anyway, this led to me actually making a mock-up of that, and I made sure it used the same font, same picture size, everything so it looked just like his assignments. I brought it to school one day in the hopes that he would find it funny as well. It was in good fun as I had a lot of respect for him and it was my favorite class, although I don't think my friend liked the class as much as I and didn't quite like the teacher. Regardless, the day I brought it he was out, and so we just had a sub. I slipped it in with my assignment, hoping he would find it the next day and ask about it in a joking manner. It was never mentioned. I hate to think he found it and was disheartened by the apparent disrespect. It's really not that clever of a joke. I emailed him asking for a letter of recommendation some time later and never got a response.

I saw the new Indiana Jones movie yesterday. I quite liked it to be honest. I'm not usually one for legacy nostalgia whatever, but it was nice to see Harrison Ford romp around again. I'd probably rank it below Crystal Skull, but it was still really fun, and I think Crystal Skull is massively dogpiled on. Besides the "woke" mania I understand why people might not like it, though. The woke thing is so ridiculous. All those YouTubers should pay Brie Larson a cut of their income. I saw Asteroid City the other day as well, and I really liked that. I keep seeing these Wes Anderson styled AI videos like "TRON in the style of WES ANDERSON" or whatever. Now I don't know if this take will hold up, but it makes me want to vomit. Absolutely awful. If someone actually designed a bunch of costumes or rendered it in blender or something it would be really neat, but the idea that someone just typed shit into midjourney or whatever makes me really ill. I don't know if I'm missing anything but seeing these get so many views and praising comments rubs me the wrong way. We'll have AI videos soon enough and I hope that it isn't the equivalent of the camera to the portrait artist. Like, yeah, then we got abstract art, but when AI can just render literally anything, what else is left for us to make? This is my personal taste talking here, but I really hope that this all leads to a massive pushback on this sort of technology, and more people shoot on film so they can have the reels to prove it was done by humans. I think the writer's strike is in the right direction so far with that, although its mostly been about pay for obvious reasons. I can't believe Apple unveiled their new AR goggles using EEAO to help advertise while the Daniels are currently on strike. They really just don't care.

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