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I'm still deciding on what color I want the site to be. I'm looking for a mixture of nostalgia and actually making it safe to look at with your eyeballs. If I make the site neon blue, it looks just like it was from 2003, but it hurts my retinas. If I lower the saturation, it looks better, but starts looking more and more modern. What a conundrum! An interesting one at that! Hey, you are the one reading MY writing on MY website, you don't get to judge what I decide to write about! Stop judging me! Fine, I'll talk about something else. I realized that on the Firefox browser on mobile, the font defaults to that browser's font, it isn't Times New Roman! Oh shit, that's about the website. Sorry. I'm looking for other things to put on here besides these entries and an about me page, but I can't really think of anything. I could put pictures and videos I've made up here. What? Oh, sorry. Yea, I don't really have much else to talk about. I'm assuming that you're reading this in the future, where it isn't 07.07.2023. If that's the case, you don't have to answer this, actually, don't answer this, but do you guys have flying cars yet? That's all we're talking about nowadays and it seems like we're gonna have flying cars any day now. That and jet packs. We might have those already, actually. Is Mr. Beast still cool or has he done something to get himself cancelled? It seems like there's a bit of a beast fatigue incoming where it will be really cool to hate on him all of the sudden. Do people not realize his content is for children? Maybe it isn't and I'm just oh so mature. I'll be right back, I'm gonna make some tea and read the newspaper while I smoke my wooden pipe. I'm back, did you hear about Reagan? Someone shot him! Also, apparently that Spielberg fella and the guy who did those two Star Wars movies are making a motion picture together. Not that interested, to be honest.

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