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So, It's been a minute. Wow. So insane. To be honest I forgot about the website for a bit. Expect it to happen again. SAG-AFTRA is on strike as well which I am happy is happening. I mean I'm not glad about the situation but I imagine more strikes are a good thing for workers. I hope that these strikes being so public and well known inspires other strikes in other industries as well. I see online people say that we shouldn't care about these strikes because they're hollywood types, and that teachers should get more pay. Well, yeah. Teachers should get more pay, but we should still care, it's important. Almost every job deserves more pay. Maybe not CEO positions. I just hope that more strikes happen, and force all of these companies to actually pay their employees a fair wage. I don't think it's that extreme of a view. I hope not.

If you're interested in what is happening to me personally, well, I believe we are about to sell this house, so I can finally move out to LA. I've been told many times to make some kind of road trip video, but I can't think of anything more repugnant. Can you imagine being trapped in a car with someone for multiple days and they're constantly shoving a camera in your face like Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler. That film is great. I wish they played into the angellic imagery of him holding the camera above his head a bit more. He's the angel of death, watching souls pass into the afterlife. Also the ending is a bit odd, like, why is he cool? He's a little freak. That watch is too big! I don't know. But yeah, I really can't imagine trying to turn my trip into an "opportunity." I just want to get out of here. If I make a short film, it's not going to be about myself, or anything as on the nose as someone moving out to LA. What kind of story can you even tell with that? The city chews me up and spits me out! So tragic. I've been an observer my entire life. I have no stakes down anywhere. I don't care about my posessions, I could leave whenever I wanted. If only I could drive! Damn. It must be a generational thing, it seems like a lot of people my age don't drive, at least more than other generations. Less incentive to learn when you can just talk online. Although, they had home phones before, people could talk to whoever they wanted whenever. To be fair, though, you would have to call the house, talk to the parents first, like, "Hey Mr. Davenport, can I talk to Cindy?" I get why social media is a lot more entrancing than that.

For me though, its the anxiety. I've grown up here, on the internet. Thank god I'm only an athiest and not an incel. I've managed to maintain what I believe to be relatively normal political views while staying on here and I think that's worthy of something. To be fair, I rarely post, or comment or anything like that. I don't engage often. I try to avoid political stuff as well, I don't want the almighty algorithms sending me down any pipelines. But about the driving thing, it's all of those horrid crash videos. I went as far as to obtain my learner's permit, so I finished driving school. It's expired now, I have a non-driver's liscense, but still. I went to driving school over quarentine in 2020, so it was just a zoom class where they constantly played videos of kids who drove too fast and lost the ability to walk. I didn't learn a single thing. So when I took the test on the computer at the DMV, I had no idea what the questions were. I just guessed, and somehow passed, although the nice lady there kindly reminded me I was just one wrong question away from failure. Anyway, once I got the permit, I only drove a couple times. Each time ended with me near a full breakdown. Mentally, I mean, the car was fine. Apparently I have a massive phobia of driving. Who knew? I grew up playing GTA! All you do is drive in that game! I did drive with a driving instructor once, though. It was frankly comical. He was one to one the instructor from Whiplash. Absolutely insane. He was even bald. I think he hated the world. He would put his feet up on the dashboard and chew sunflower seeds. He kindly showed me the massive scar on his leg from a motorcycle accident, and said it was shitty drivers like me that caused it. He genuinely loved seeing me upset. I've never encountered someone that comically evil before. He took like eleven phone calls during the thing too. I don't know. That combined with my apparent phobia or anxiety or whatever was no good.

It's nice talking here. I don't get to often and I like having a place to write things down. I always found writing things in a journal to be a bit odd. I think it's the idea that someone could potentially read this either in the future or if they just went to this website. Like, talking to someone, or at least the idea of it, helps me write. Scripts and stories are a different thing. I just don't like writing about myself. I've got a migraine right now so I think I'm going to be done with this entry for now. Have fun today.

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