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Hello friends, today is the big day! It's the Barbie/Oppenheimer smackdown! Yes, two movies releasing on the same day! What an amazing coincedence. I would love to see this double feature, but I slept through the entire day, and it's 11pm, so no Barbenheimer for me. I'll see them both tomorrow. Great. Now, that isn't why I wanted to make an entry for today, no, I wanted to spread some more soon to be out of date thoughts on AI. Wonderful, and fun to read, I imagine. Anyway, feast your eyes on this:

I'm not hosting this turd of a video on my website anymore. Just google what I'm talking about and I'm sure you'll find it if you care that much.

So this is a video by Fable Studios (I think they're going by "The Simulation" now, real cutting edge.) They have an AI supposedly capable of creating 22 minute episodes of TV. Apparently the AI simulates the characters 24/7, and every so often it spits out a 22 minute snippet of the characters. If you watch the video, you'll notice that it's utter dreck. That's not the point though, because give it 5 years, and supposedly we'll be able to recreate episodes that are just as good as the real thing. Looking at their tweets, it seems like a more complicated version of AI Spongebob if it's real. They did release a research paper, so I don't know. Anyway, it doesn't matter. There is so much crypto metaverse ai nonsense out there these days it's impossible to believe anything. Ugh, it's exhausting. To make it clear, I hate this. I hate talking about this, I hate thinking about this. I hate the fact that it exists. I'm an overtly and unapologetically nostalgic person, for times I have never even lived. It's easy to live in the past, where the uncertainty of our future is removed. I want to just resign and ignore this shit, but I've got to stay on the bleeding edge. I hope the strikes go well for the writers and actors and that AI is heavily limited. If the studios get their way and use AI for everything, then eventually the technology will be there for people at home to do it themselves, and there will be no industry. The executives seem only to care about short term profits, so I don't know if that concerns them. Adobe and other great companies are trying to pass a bill that tags every peice of digital content so the government and other corporations can see exactly where a piece of digital information came from and how it was made. That makes it so AI images get flagged and we the people get to stay informed on what is fake and what isn't. That sounds absolutely amazing until you realize that means the government has total control over our information. Oh, I don't like that, let's flag it as something everyone should ignore. I think the reactionary fear of AI will cause the bill to have a lot of support if it ever even gets media coverage. I'm just glad I have this website. If Zuck or Elon have a big meltdown and there is chaos in the streets, I can still put whatever I want here. Nobody will see it, but that's alright. No algorithms to answer to, no views, clicks, likes, comments, shares, fuck off. If I have something to say I'll say it here. People can read it if they want.

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