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Well, I'm finally here. To be honest I've been in LA for the past 2 weeks, I just haven't had my computer, so I couldn't update the site. The house we were supposed to be renting didn't work out, so me and my mom have been moving from hotel to hotel for the past 2 weeks. I'm trying to apply to colleges, but it's difficult when you don't have an address. Never thought I would be denied a library card. Can't get my meds either since they won't transfer to California and I don't have a residence to get another prescription. It's been mighty fun. The twinkle in my eye was gone on the second day. Though, I shouldn't be so dramatic, there's plenty more that are far worse off. I feel so horrible for everyone. It seems like the procedure here is to just ignore it. What a place.

Also, I just looked at the first entry I made, and I said that I didn't have that much to say, and then I wrote like 5 paragraphs which is by far the most I've written on here so far.

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